About SRMG
The products supplied by Salt River Materials Group (SRMG) have helped build Arizona and the Southwest since 1959. One can look to numerous Arizona landmarks to find SRMG’s products in use. From Glen Canyon Dam to the corner sidewalk, you have likely seen or touched the things we take such pride in producing.
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) established Salt River Sand and Rock in 1981 and purchased Phoenix Cement Company in 1987. The SRPMIC, comprised of the Pima and the Maricopa tribes, lists over 11,000 enrolled members and 52,600 acres of trust land. Bordered by the cities of Mesa, Fountain Hills, Scottsdale, and Tempe, the SRPMIC presents a unique contrast that is mirrored in its many business activities: a marriage of the growth and excitement of the latest technologies with the honor and philosophy of the most ancient traditions.
Respect for our environment, our employees, and our customers define our philosophy and guides our business decisions. As we move into the 21st century, SRMG is preparing for an exciting new chapter in its history. It is our hope that, through this website and through all of our interactions, you will have a better understanding of our continuing commitment to serving our customers, our industries, and the local communities in which we live and work.

Ruben Guerrero, Jr.
PCA Interview with SRMG's CEO, Ruben Guerrero, Jr.
Company history

Phoenix Cement Company based in Phoenix, Arizona, the company began operating in 1959 when American Cement Corporation constructed a plant in Clarkdale. Having won the contract to supply low-heat cement for construction of the massive Glen Canyon Dam. As work progressed, led the company to continue operation of the plant, and eventually expand it in 1962.

1971 – 1979
1971 – 1979
From 1971 to 1979, the company was a division of Amcord, a large producer of cement, coal, and other construction materials. In 1979, Gifford-Hill purchased the company and operated it within its family of cement plants.

In 1987, Phoenix Cement was purchased by its current owners, the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.

The Verde Gypsum Mine was purchased in 1998, giving Phoenix Cement an assured, local source of raw material.

In 1999, Phoenix Cement’s Clarkdale plant was rated the safest plant in North America, with almost 8 years no lost-time, accident free operation. The fly ash operation, with multiple sources and distribution points, has become an increasingly large complement to the cement business.

Today, the company has completed a major modernization project that has changed the face of the Clarkdale operation. With new, state-of-the-art kiln and milling systems, Phoenix Cement is well positioned to meet the challenges of the construction industry. A new, enterprise-wide information system also improves the accuracy and timeliness of information exchange.
With a constant focus on the customer and a philosophy of continuous improvement, the next five decades promise to be as exciting as the last.
Tribal Affiliation
Phoenix Cement Company was purchased by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community in 1987. As owners of Salt River Sand & Rock, one of the largest aggregate producers in Arizona and the U.S., Phoenix Cement was a natural fit for the Community in its desire to expand its presence in the construction materials industry. Since its purchase of the company, the Community has invested over $22 million in capital improvements for the cement and fly ash operations.
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community is actually comprised of two Indian tribes: the Pima, “Akimel O’Odham” (River People); and the Maricopa, “Xalychidom Piipaash” (People who live towards the water). Both tribes speak different languages but share cultural values.
The Pima believe they are descendants of the Hohokam (Hoo-hoogam) inhabitants who farmed the Salt River Valley and created an elaborate canal irrigation system centuries ago. They are particularly known for their basket weaving. The Maricopa lived along the lower Gila and Colorado Rivers. They migrated toward Pima villages in the early 1800’s. They are known for their red clay pottery.
Today, these two tribes make up the Community, which occupies 52,600 acres of trust land situated adjacent to the cities of Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale, and Fountain Hills in the metropolitan Phoenix area.
The Community has a population of approximately 11,000 enrolled members.
The Community is governed by an elected President, Vice-President, and seven-member Council. The President, Vice-President, and some Council members also occupy seats on the Board of Directors of Phoenix Cement Company. A variety of other business enterprises are also owned and operated by the Community, evidence of its unique status as one of the most progressive, business-oriented Indian Communities anywhere.
To learn more, click below to visit the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community website.
100% American

SRMG developed the 100% American™ tagline and branding initiative in 2010 with the purpose of educating its customers and stakeholders on the impact locally owned, produced and manufactured products have on the economy. Locally owned businesses that purchase locally produced products have a greater impact on the local economy and contribute to more enriched communities than businesses who send profits to other markets or countries. Local business owners and decision makers can make a positive financial contribution to the state and local markets by keeping the dollars and jobs at work in our local community… by simply choosing to buy 100% American™ products.
SRMG is the commercial marketer for Salt River Sand and Rock Company and the quality line-up of Phoenix Cement® products. Salt River Sand & Rock Company and Phoenix Cement Company are enterprises of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and the only native-American owned cement manufacturer in the United States.
It just doesn’t get more American than that!